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Informed Learning Design Project

14 June 2018 - 12:15pm

Dr. Clarence Maybee, Michael Flierl and Rachel Fundator have begun a new project this summer in which they are working with Purdue instructors to develop informed learning assignments. These assignments allow undergraduates to intentionally learn to use information sources at the same time as they are learning about course content, e.g., disciplinary concepts, theories, practices, etc.

The group is hosting two 1-day workshops this summer to work with instructors to create or revise assignments using the informed learning design. Grounded in the informed learning pedagogic model,1 informed learning design was developed by Dr. Maybee to guide the creation of assignments in which students intentionally learn to use information sources at the same time as they are learning course content. For example, students in a statistical literacy course who are learning about statistical concepts, may do so by applying those concepts to make sense of statistics reported in the popular press, or students studying local history may be asked to make a short documentary-style video in which they must learn to use archival materials to support their argument.

Participants and designers at the first Informed Learning Design workshop – June 11, 2018

The newly created or redesigned informed learning assignments will be implemented in courses during the 2018-19 academic year. After the assignments are completed, Maybee, Flierl, and Fundator will interview students about their experiences with this new type of assignment.

Project Participants

Tracy Grimm, University Archives and Special Collections

Jennifer Hall, Communications

Alex Isaacs, College of Pharmacy

Julius Keller, School of Aviation and Transportation Technology

Monica Miller, College of Pharmacy

Cara Putnum, Krannert School of Management


NEW BOOK: IMPACT Learning: Librarians at the Forefront of Change in Higher Education

20 February 2018 - 10:30pm

My new book, IMPACT Learning: Librarians at the Forefront of Change in Higher Education, describes how academic libraries can enable the success of higher education students by creating or partnering with teaching and learning initiatives that support meaningful learning through engagement with information. Since the 1970s, the academic library community has been advocating and developing programming for information literacy. This book discusses existing models, extracting lessons from Purdue University Libraries’ partnership with other units to create a campus-wide course development program, Instruction Matters: Purdue Academic Course Transformation (IMPACT), which provides academic libraries with tools and strategies for working with faculty and departments to integrate information literacy into disciplinary courses.

First two chapters available in Google Books

Order from Amazon

New Research: Academic Librarians’ Experiences of Educational Design

14 February 2018 - 9:19pm

Academic librarians often collaborate closely with instructors to integrate information literacy into coursework. A new study is underway that uses phenomenography, a research methodology that reveals different ways people experience the same phenomenon, to investigate the experiences of librarians working with instructors in the IMPACT program to make changes in their courses.

Purdue Research Team:
Michael Flierl, Learning Design Specialist
Clarence Maybee, Information Literacy Specialist
Rachel Fundator, Information Literacy Instructional Designer

Showing the Libraries’ Impact on Student Success

10 October 2017 - 9:01pm

Michael Flierl, Learning Design Specialist, and Clarence Maybee, Information Literacy Specialist, presented at the fall meeting of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) on October 4, 2017 in Washington, DC. Their presentation was part of a panel on the library impact on student success chaired by Damon Jaggers from Ohio State University. The panel also included presenters from the University of Minnesota and the Greater Western Library Association. Flierl and Maybee’s presentation, “Information Literacy, Motivation, and Learning,” shared initial findings from research they are conducting with Rachel Fundator, Information Literacy Instructional Designer, and Emily Bonem, an instructional developer with Purdue’s Center for Instructional Excellence. The research explores the relationship between information literacy, student motivation, and student grades in courses that were redesigned through the Instruction Matters: Purdue Academic Course Transformation (IMPACT) program. The study examined data from over 3,000 students in 102 course sections from courses from across several colleges. The results suggest that activities such as searching or formatting citations may be demotivating, while other information literacy activities, such as synthesizing information and communicating the results, are positively related to student motivation and grades. The findings have implications for the Libraries work with instructors to integrate information literacy into Purdue courses.

Students Brainstorm Health App Design in HIKS

11 September 2017 - 3:26pm

Wenjie Wu, Mingchu Cong, and their fellow group members worked in the HIKS Undergraduate Library to design a health app for a computer graphics course. They used one of the Libraries’ white boards to map out ideas and elements of their app design using a methodology introduced in class.

Libraries’ Visitor Leads Talk and Workshops on Mapping Differences

6 September 2017 - 9:06am

On August 29th, the Libraries Seminar Committee hosted a presentation by Dr. Andrew Whitworth, Director of Teaching Strategy for the Manchester Institute of Education and the University of Manchester. Dr. Whitworth’s presentation “Xenophilia: The Love of Difference is Essential for Information Literacy” argued that a diversification and openness to different perspectives can positively influence learning through engagement with information. Drawing from theories of learning, networking, technology, and more, Dr. Whitworth described how xenophilia—a love and openness to difference—can help people broker between different information landscapes to learn and take action. He proposed that educators develop their teaching around the principle of xenophilia, where students encounter and navigate different perspectives of information landscapes, in order to help them learn through dialog.

Following the presentation, Dr. Whitworth facilitated two workshops introducing participants to a concept mapping process to uncover different perspectives on an institutional issue. In the first workshop, participants engaged with different types of maps to uncover how we rely on and interpret maps, as well as how they can be powerful tools for helping us make sense of our own information landscapes. In the second workshop, participants put these ideas into practice using Ketso, a specific mapping tool. In small groups, participants collectively discussed and mapped out the goals, assets, challenges, and strategies related to how the new Wilmeth Active Learning Center will change our activities as librarians.

Librarians worked in groups to map ideas related to how they can use the Wilmeth Active Learning Center to advance their practice as librarians.

XENOPHILIA: How the love of difference is essential for information literacy – Talk hosted by Purdue Libraries

2 August 2017 - 4:40pm

The Purdue Libraries is hosting the presentation “XENOPHILIA: How the love of difference is essential for information literacy” by Dr. Drew Whitworth.


Date: August 29, 2017

Time: 10:00am – 11:30am

Location: Purdue Memorial Union, West Faculty Lounge


The event is free and open to the public. Please click here to register.


Whitworth’s presentation will argue for an understanding of information literacy as a set of carefully constructed information practices that are informed by the contexts in which they play out. This vision of information literacy is rooted in xenophilia, a love and openness to difference. In this case, information literacy is defined by an awareness and openness to the variances that exist between different information landscapes and their practices. Whitworth will make the case for information literacy as a pedagogy that can enable important discussions of openness and dialog, particularly in today’s socio-political climate.  


Drew Whitworth is the Director of Teaching and Learning Strategy of the Manchester Institute of Education at The University of Manchester.

Information Literacy @ Purdue

19 June 2017 - 4:11pm

Libraries faculty and staff uphold the Libraries’ information literacy mission statement through various instructional and research efforts.


Purdue Libraries’ Instruction

19 June 2017 - 3:06pm

Purdue Libraries faculty and staff work closely with subject faculty to support student learning and advance information literacy. Here is some information on their instructional work from the past year:

Supporting Undergraduate Research with Awards for Best Poster Abstracts

24 April 2017 - 10:40pm

Rebecca Richardson and Vice Provost Frank Dooley with Award winners

Purdue Libraries gave out $50 awards for best poster abstracts in five categories to students at the Undergraduate Research and Poster Symposium held on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. The student winners of the awards were: Tianlong Sun, & NamAnh Nguyen (innovative technology/entrepreneurship/design), Manjie Fu (physical sciences), Helena Lysandrou (life sciences), Gayatri Mazgaonkar (social sciences/humanities), and Neal Patel (mathematical/computational sciences). Information Literacy Specialist, Clarence Maybee, coordinated the judging of the abstracts, which was conducted by several Libraries faculty, including Michael Flierl, Heather Howard, Sarah Huber, Nastasha Johnson, Hal Kirkwood, Judy Nixon, Margaret Phillips and Wei Zakharov. At the April 11th Symposium in the North and South Ballrooms of the Purdue Memorial Union, Rebecca Richardson, Assistant Dean for Collections and Access, announced the award winners.


14 April 2017 - 7:36pm

Clarence Maybee, the Libraries’ Information Literacy Specialist, and Chantal Levesque Bristol, Director of Purdue’s Center for Instructional Excellence, travelled over spring break to Lima, Peru to help a new technology university develop a program similar to Purdue’s Instruction Matters: Purdue Academic Course Transformation (IMPACT). The institution, Universidad de Ingeniería y Technología (UTEC), was opened in 2011 and enrolls about 1200 students. Elizabeth Barajas, Global Programs Coordinator for the Purdue Polytechnic Institute, arranged the visit. Across the week, Maybee, Levesque Bristol and Barajas met with several instructors and worked closely with staff developing a new teaching support center at UTEC. Using Purdue’s IMPACT program as a model, the new teaching center will work with instructors to create active, student-centered learning environments in UTEC courses.

2017 IMPACT Symposium: Enhancing Learning through Writing

13 April 2017 - 9:17am

On April 6th, Instruction Matter s: Purdue’s Academic Course Transformation (IMPACT) program hosted the 2017 IMPACT Symposium, featuring Purdue alumna and Kellogg W. Hunt Professor of English and Distinguished Research Professor at Florida State University, Dr. Kathleen Blake Yancey. The Symposium included two workshops on writing for learning. Dr. Yancey spoke about importance of incorporating writing into all academic disciplines, in order to support knowledge transfer to future academic and professional contexts. She also offered concrete examples and suggestions for Purdue faculty and instructors interested in adding writing assignments tailored to their courses and disciplines.

Before the morning session’s workshop on informal writing assignments, Dr. Yancey and the attendees asked questions of a panel five Purdue undergraduate students (Josey Cline and Lexi Eiler from Wildlife, Danny Zuercher from Landscape Architecture, Kenny Nguyen from Neurophysiology, and Sahej Bains from Biology). The students described their experiences with academic writing, including what motivates them to complete writing tasks, and what they believe is critical to help other students recognize the value of writing in their academic areas. In the afternoon session, participants designed writing assignments that feature the writing genres specific to their academic disciplines. Following the day’s workshops, attendees joined Dr. Yancey at the Gerald D. and Edna E. Mann Hall for a reception.

The Symposium was hosted by Purdue’s IMPACT program, a Big Moves initiative that helps instructors redesign their courses to be more student-centered. The planning committee was comprised of Dan Guberman (Chair) and Laura Fritz from the Center for Instructional Excellence, Clarence Maybee and Rachel Fundator from the Purdue Libraries, and Sheree Buikema from Instructional Technology at Purdue.

Students Use Hicks Library to Prepare for Annual Event

13 April 2017 - 8:53am

Undergraduate student, Sheradan Hill, worked in the Hicks Undergraduate Library last Tuesday to create a poster for 2017’s Purdue Ag Week. This was the sixth iteration of the event, where students research and share information with the Purdue community about the significance of agriculture today

April 4, 2017

IMPACT Symposium 2017: Enhancing Learning Through Writing

24 March 2017 - 4:19pm

We are excited to announce the upcoming IMPACT Symposium for 2017: Enhancing Learning through Writing, which will take place on Thursday, April 6th. Our guest speaker, Dr. Kathleen Blake Yancey, a Purdue alumna, is a proponent of student writing within disciplinary courses across all levels of the curriculum. Additional details about the workshops are below.

Register (free) for the workshops here:

Morning Session: 9:00-11:30am Enhancing Learning-and Teaching-with Writing

Stewart 206

Writing in college takes various forms–from posters, case studies, and lab reports to essays, research reports, feasibility studies, and slide presentations. Research shows that engaging in such writing and in smaller, informal writing assignments is critical to support student learning. Moreover, when appropriately designed, such writing assignments can help faculty teach better. In this interactive workshop, we will briefly consider why we might use writing in our teaching before focusing on some useful, easily modified ways to do so.

Afternoon Session: 2:00-4:00pm Designing Writing for Learning, for Transfer

Lawson 1142

This interactive session focuses on three dimensions of writing assignments, regardless of academic discipline—key terms; genre; and reflection–and on ways that these dimensions can help faculty design assignments rich in content and in good, disciplinary writing. Moreover, by designing writing assignments keyed to these three dimensions, we can both help students successfully complete the assigned task and support them in developing a working knowledge of writing that can assist them as they take up new writing tasks.

Visit from University of Nebraska, Lincoln Librarians

18 August 2016 - 4:39pm

Five library faculty from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln visited Purdue Libraries Aug. 2-3. They attended the Information Literacy Research Symposium held on the morning of Aug. 2. Considering some renovations to one of the libraries at UNL, following the Symposium the group toured Purdue Libraries spaces. Ilana Stonebraker provided a tour of the Parrish Library and Clarence Maybee a tour of Hicks Library. After learning about the recent work we have done to renovate library spaces, Dean Jim Mullins gave the group a glimpse of the future by leading them on a tour of the under-construction Wilmeth Active Learning Center.

On the morning of Aug. 3, the UNL visitors met with various Purdue faculty and staff involved in the Instruction Matters: Purdue Active Course Transformation (IMPACT) program. The Nebraska group met with Dave Nelson from the Center of Instructional Excellence, Cody Connor of Information Technology at Purdue, and Clarence Maybee of the Libraries, who comprise the IMPACT management team. The Nebraska group also met with two instructors who redesigned courses through IMPACT, Ellen Gundlach from Statistics and Melanie Morgan from Communications, who described their collaborative projects with Purdue Libraries faculty. Libraries faculty and staff involved in IMPACT, including Rachel Fundator, Catherine Fraser Riehle, Ilana Stonebraker, Amy Van Epps and Dave Zwicky, discussed the benefits of partnering with faculty and staff outside of the Libraries to enhance student learning.


2016 Information Literacy Research Symposium

18 August 2016 - 4:29pm

The Purdue Libraries hosted the 6th Information Literacy Research Symposium, “Faces and Spaces of Information Literacy with International Students in Mind,” on August 2, 2016. The presenter was Dr. Hilary Hughes, associate professor in the faculty of education at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. Dr. Hughes studies the intersection of information literacy and informed learning, international students, and learning space design. She presented on her research in progress and its practical applications and engaged the 60 attendees in group activities.

The co-sponsors of this program were: Purdue’s Center for Instructional Excellence, International Programs, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

IMPACT Symposium with Dr. George Kuh

9 April 2016 - 10:59am

The IMPACT Symposium was held on the morning of Wednesday, April 6, 2016 in Purdue Memorial Union’s East and West Faculty Lounges. Dr. George Kuh, professor emeritus at Indiana University and the founding director of the widely used National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), spoke at the Symposium about high impact education practices, such as undergraduate research, learning communities, and writing intensive courses. Dr. Kuh said that through all of our endeavors, we must teach students to:

  • Reflect on their experiences in and out of the classroom,
  • Apply what they have learned to new challenges and opportunities, and
  • Integrate what they are learning from different courses and out-of class experiences.

    Dr. George Kuh presenting at the 2016 IMPACT Symposium

Hosted by Purdue’s IMPACT program (Instruction Matters: Purdue Academic Course Transformation), a University-wide initiative in which instructors redesign foundational courses to make them more student-centered, the Symposium aimed to promote discussion of innovative teaching and learning at Purdue. The Symposium planning committee was comprised of Libraries faculty Clarence Maybee (Chair) and Michael Flierl, and ITaP staff Suzanne Ahlersmeyer and Sheree Buikema.

Of the 100 attendees at the Symposium presentation, 70 stayed to engage in faculty-led table discussions about three themes that Dr. Kuh spoke about: 1) forging tomorrow’s workforce, 2) empowering diverse learners, and 3) fostering student success. The ten table leaders were faculty who had previously participated in IMPACT.

In the afternoon of April 6th, Dr. Kuh facilitated an Assignment Charrette workshop with a group of instructors from IMPACT and the Teaching Academy. An architectural term, a charrette is an intense creative effort in a limited time period. The fifteen instructors who attended this workshop shared and discussed ways to make one of their assignments more effective.

Purdue Libraries Top Information Literacy Researchers

8 January 2016 - 11:55pm

Researchers from the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information at Nanyang Technological University have conducted a study analyzing the publishing trends of information literacy scholarship. Their team examined a total of 1,989 records from Scopus bibliographic database between 2003 and 2012. The information literacy research conducted by faculty and staff at Purdue University Libraries is featured very prominently in the results of this review. Michael Fosmire, professor and Head of PSET Division, is identified as a prolific author, having published eight or more articles during this period of time. A 2006 article by Clarence Maybee, Information Literacy Specialist, was one of the most highly cited articles during the period covered in the review. Most notably, Purdue Libraries are on the top ten list of institutions with authors producing publications on information literacy. Correcting for different ways that affiliations are listed in Scopus, we are the number one producer of information literacy publications in the world! Reflective of our important contribution to information literacy education, this is a tremendous accomplishment of which we should all be very proud.

The full-text of the article is available from the Nanyang Technological University institutional repository.

New Information Literacy Mission Statement!

17 December 2015 - 8:52am

Purdue Libraries presents a new information literacy mission statement:

Purdue University Libraries’ research-based information literacy programming empowers Purdue’s diverse communities of learners to use information critically to learn and to create new knowledge, fostering academic, personal, and professional success.

A team of Libraries faculty (Catherine Fraser Riehle, Ilana Stonebraker, and Clarence Maybee) led a process in fall 2015 to revise the Libraries’ information literacy statement to reflect our current mission, which aligns closely with campus goals for learning. The statement was developed through an inclusive process that included input gathered from stakeholders in the Libraries as well as faculty from other departments.

The extended version of the new mission statement is available on Purdue Libraries’ website:

Augustana Information Literacy Workshop

13 November 2015 - 4:53pm


Mike Flierl, Information Literacy Instructional Designer, attended the Augustana Information Literacy Workshop held in Camrose, Alberta.  While there, Mike learned about using ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education from Sharon Mader, ACRL’s Visiting Program Officer for Information Literacy. He also presented on strategies for communicating about information literacy to faculty in other disciplines. When he returned Purdue, Mike presented the key points of the workshop to Libraries faculty during a bi-monthly brown bag meeting.
