
Library Policies

Patrons are Responsible for:

  • Having an active PUID to check out any material
  • Renewing or returning all material by the due date
  • Reading library e-mails and responding to all library notices promptly
  • Updating your Personal Directory Information with all address changes including e-mail
  • Notifying the libraries if their PUID is lost or stolen
  • Notifying the libraries if material is lost or stolen
  • Paying any fines or fees for late return or non-return of library materials checked out on their PUID

Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources

Purdue Libraries licenses electronic resources for the research and teaching use of the Purdue University community. All users are responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of these licenses. Failure to do so can result in the loss of access to a resource for the entire University community.

Our licenses generally prohibit the following uses:

  • Allowing anyone other than authorized users to access the licensed content.
  • Downloading entire issues of online journals or major portions of electronic books.
  • Downloading text to create a corpus of text for analysis.
  • Using software or other automated tools to systematically download licensed content.
  • Using licensed resources for commercial purposes.

Many resources have more detailed terms and conditions of use; please see individual product sites for more information.

Use of any electronic resources provided by Purdue Libraries constitutes acceptance of Purdue University's IT resource acceptable use policy.

The accessibility of electronic resources provided by Purdue Libraries is governed by the standard established in Purdue University’s standard for Electronic Information, Communication and Technology.

Borrow and Renew Policies

Please see our Borrow and Renew page for borrowing, renewals, overdue, and billing information. If you do not have an active PUID, you may be eligible for a visitor's borrowing card. Ask staff at any Circulation Desk for details.

Billing Inquiries

For all billing inquiries, contact Circulation Services by calling (765) 494-0369 or emailing

Users Policy

Authorized users:

Online access to, and use of the content of this electronic publication is limited by contractual license to authorized users at Purdue University, West Lafayette campus. Authorized users are Purdue University West Lafayette campus faculty, staff, and students. The general public and those with issued patron visitor cards can access electronic resources from within the Libraries facilities only. Access and use by other persons violates the terms of the license agreement with the publisher or content provider.


Electronic or printed copies are permitted, provided that such copies are for the personal use of authorized users, and do not result in commercial distribution or re-distribution to unauthorized users. Substantial or systematic reproduction by users is not permitted.


The content of this electronic publication is copyrighted. Users may not modify, adapt, transform, translate or create any derivative work based on this publication, or otherwise use it in a manner that would infringe the copyright or other proprietary rights therein. Copyright notices and other notices or disclaimers included in the publication may not be removed, obscured or modified in any way.


Violations by individual users may result in licensor's withdrawal of access to ALL authorized users.


The Libraries comply with federal and state laws, professional standards, and Purdue University policies concerning privacy for those who use its resources and services. Those include:


Terms Defined

Loan Period
Length of time an item can be checked out.
Library Search
The Purdue University Libraries catalog.
Library user
An extension of the original loan period.
Core Loan
Includes items such as the following: most books, government documents, juvenile literature, maps, microform, new books, technical reports, theses.

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