
Reciprocal Borrowing Programs

Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies participates in several reciprocal borrowing programs that provide current Purdue West Lafayette campus-affiliated users with in-person library borrowing privileges at participating institutions. Privileges vary by program as well as by patron status; each participating university library has its own local policies.

Reciprocal Programs:

ALI (Academic Libraries of Indiana): Purdue faculty, staff, graduate, and undergraduate students affiliated with the West Lafayette campus are eligible for borrowing privileges and on-site access to collections at all ALI institutions.

  • >> Obtain a special ALI borrowing card BEFORE traveling to other institutions. Show this card and your Purdue ID at the libraries you visit; they may also issue you with another card for use at their library. Borrowing cards and information can be obtained at any Purdue Libraries circulation desk during regular operating hours.

Big Ten Academic Alliance: Purdue faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students affiliated with the West Lafayette campus are eligible for borrowing privileges and/or on-site access to collections at participating Big Ten institutions. Big Ten participants are all the Big Ten Universities and the University of Chicago.

  • >> You do not need to obtain a special borrowing card at Purdue before traveling to your destination library. Staff at your destination will ask to see your current Purdue ID and will ask you to authenticate by entering your career account information into a shared database.

OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program: Purdue faculty affiliated with the West Lafayette campus are eligible for borrowing privileges and on-site access to collections at other participating institutions. Over 175 major research libraries in the United States and Canada participate in this program. Please consult this list to determine if the institution you'd like to visit participates in the program.

  • >> Obtain a special borrowing card BEFORE traveling to other institutions. Show this card and your Purdue ID at the libraries you visit; they may also issue you with another card for use at their library. Borrowing cards can be obtained from Circulation Services (part of the Interlibrary Loan office/STEW 246 inside HSSE library) Monday through Friday 8am-5pm.